The newest free wallpapers

by franto
German shepherd puppy
German shepherd puppy
by __kamikaze__
by ajfonak
by Cooler90
by branek
by lucka8
by Brags

The newest free sms texts

The babe of Bethlehem was born today
The babe of Bethlehem was born today, May His peace, love and serenity descend upon you, And remai...
The best gifts in life
The best gifts in life, Will never be found under, A Christmas tree, those gifts are, Friends, fa...
I heard the bells on Christmas Day
I heard the bells on Christmas Day, Their old, familiar carols play, and wild and sweet, The words...
Before The Church Bells Ring
Before The Church Bells Ring, Before The Holy Star Appears, Before Networks Get Jammed, Let Me Wi...
Have an ideal Christmas
Have an ideal Christmas, an occasion that is celebrated as a reflection of your values, desires, a...
Feelings are many
Feelings are many but words are few clouds are dark but sky is blue Love is a paper' life is glue'...

Download the best wallpapers and ringtones for your phone for free

Are you bored of your old wallpaper? Or have you just got a brand new smartphone and want to customize it? Are you looking for a great dynamic ringtone you won't mishear? You are at the right place! We have over 100 000 pictures you can use as mobile wallpaper, and hundreds of ringtones. You will find the right one for yourself for sure. As a bonus, you can find SMS messages you can use if you want some funny or cute texts for your friends or relatives. The best on Zoxee is, that every single item is uploaded by our members and we are very thankful to them for that.

Most active users

1. mika
2. zuzka
3. Drags
4. ladko1
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7. Scooter79
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9. piter
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Content for the most popular and newest mobiles and tablets

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Samsung Galaxy A54 wallpapers ringtones
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